Earn 80% On Each Sale

Earn 80% On Each Sale

Receive a commission rate of 80%.
No minimum number of sales required.

Instant Delivery

Instant Delivery

Your purchased item is available immediately for download after your payment is completed.

No Exclusivity Lock-In

No Exclusivity Lock-In

No exclusivity agreements required! You may continue to sell your item elsewhere or on your own website as you desire, we feel that is being fair.

Set Your Own Prices

Set Your Own Prices

You decide on your own prices, just keep it fair, so that you do not miss a sale. Most customers have done their homework and know if you are overcharging them.

All the tools you’ll need to manage your content shop.

Track stats

Track stats

View quick statistics about your digital content shop.

Keep up with customers

Keep up with customers

Keep on par with your customers.

Manage support

Manage support

Manage your own customer support.

The basics of being an author

The best reviews comes from great support.
The key to your success in any business is via customers, selling on our platform is no different. The more support and help you give your customers, the better they will rate you and support you, especially when you release new products. Most income from successful content authors came from repeat business.  From customers who trusted their work and believed in the reputation, these authors have build interacting with them.
So ensure you help and support your customer as much as you can. A sure sign of failure comes from building bad relationships with customers.


How does it work?

Setup your digital content business by performing a few simple steps.

What to do:
a. Sign up for a free account.
b. Upload your digital item.
c. Our team will review your item to ensure it is safe for users and is in compliance with our standards.
d. Once your item has been approved it will appear on the content page within the category it was inserted.
e. Have your earnings transferred to you by Paypal or Stripe once a month.


The rules

Sound good? Join our community of authors today!